Infinite Sound Sky

sound healing | meditation journey | ritual soundscape | primordial sound bath

7 tracks: 1 hour 43 min

Infinite Sound Sky is a meditative minimalist soundscape created through a process of embodied ritual presence with the earth and nature spirits.

Each track channels primordial frequencies from the infinite universe of sound.

These 7 tracks act as a ritual sound healing spell.

Each track can stand on its own for its specific healing frequency, or can flow together as a whole 103 minute journey.

Whether it's playing in the background or you're in an intentional listening meditation session...

tune in through speakers or headphones to best experience the full range of frequencies the sounds flow through your body/consciousness and the space around you.

streaming on all platforms

1. grounding      (18.49) drums, upright bass, cello
2. activating     (8:32) steel water bottles, upright bass
3. releasing      (20:09) shakers, seeds, shells, copper, acoustic mini bass guitar, cello
4. opening     (7:16) recorder
5. deepening     (18:27) cymbals, upright bass
6. flowing      (9:36) sticks, shakers
7. expanding     (19:54) upright bass, bell

Composed, performed, recorded, produced by Maya Tokunaga Jensen
Mixed and mastered by Griffin Rodriguez
Cover art by Rose Wonderfabulous